Friday, September 29, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “Miss Bindergarten takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten” and discussed classifying and categorizing. We also learned about the letters Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy and Zz. In Math, we were tested on our topic on identifying and describing shapes. In handwriting, we finished up working with the “Frog Jump Capitals” and wrote Nn and Mm. In Science we discussed our five senses and how they help us in our everyday lives.

Today, we had an extra recess as our September reward for good behavior. We have been respectful, safe, responsible, and have been doing our very best in class. Please encourage your child to keep up the excellent behavior for the month of October!

  • Sight words will be tested each Monday (if I do not get through all of the students, the rest will be tested on Tuesday). Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list.
  • Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store! Please only send money in on Mondays. Thank you!
  • Thank you to all who completed their September Reading Logs. I am so proud! Keep up the good work! *October Reading Logs can be found in your child’s folder.
  • The NSE Book Fair will be taking place in a few weeks. Our day to shop is Tuesday, October 17th. Please send money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and what books they would like. There will also be a Parent Night to shop on Monday, October 16th from 4-7pm in our elementary library. **Pamphlets can be found in your child’s folder!
  • Kindergarten Fall Festival will be held on Thursday, October 5th. Students will be outside for most of the day, so please dress them accordingly!
  • Anyone who is interested in going on the Kindergarten Field Trip MUST be a member of PTO and MUST have all of their clearances up to date. Please contact Mandy Reed if you have any questions or would like to join PTO:
Monday, October 2nd will be Day 4 and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.

Monday will be a free dress down day for anyone who wears a BLUE shirt to prevent bullying!

Have a super weekend!

Friday, September 22, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “Plaidypus Lost” and discussed sequence and the jobs of the author and illustrator. We also learned about the letters Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, and Ss and talked about “opposites.” In Math, we began our topic on identifying and describing shapes. So far, we have learned about rectangles, squares, circles, triangles, and hexagons. In handwriting, we continued working with the “Frog Jump Capitals” and wrote Dd, Pp, Bb, and Rr. In Social Studies we continued our unit on Citizenship. We discussed how to help out, how to be a good friend, and how to do our very best.

  • September reading logs will be collected next Friday, September 29th and students who read 15 or more books will get a prize!
  • Sight words will be tested each Monday (if I do not get through all of the students, the rest will be tested on Tuesday). Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list.
  • If you haven’t already, please send in $3 for the Kindergarten Fall Festival that will be held on October 5th.
  • Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store! Please only send money in on Mondays. Thank you!

Monday, September 25th will be Day 9 and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.

Have a super weekend!

Friday, September 15, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “We Are So Proud” and discussed setting, character and parts of a book. We made a class flag and discussed why we are proud of class/school. We also learned about the letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, and Nn. In Math, we were tested on sorting, classifying, counting, and categorizing data into a graph. In handwriting, we began working with the “Frog Jump Capitals,” letters F and E. In Social Studies we began our unit on Citizenship. We discussed rules & laws, good choices & bad choices, and how to be a good friend.

  • September reading logs were sent home in your child's folder at the start of the school year. Please record any books that you read with your child. Logs will be collected at the end of the month and students who read 15 or more books will get a prize! Logs will be collected on September 29th.
  • Sight words will be tested each week. Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list.
  • Scholastic book orders are due no later than Monday, September 18th. You may send in your order/flyer to me or you may do it online. Our class code is NFFK3. *Please refer to the handout that was sent home if you need help!
  • If you haven’t already, please send in $3 for the Kindergarten Fall Festival that will be held on October 5th. *Anyone interested in volunteering, please send back your information paper.
  • Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store!

Monday, September 18th will be Day 4 and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.

Have a super weekend!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

We are rocking and rolling through our first few weeks of Kindergarten! This week, we finished reading our story “The Little School Bus” and discussed rhyming words, character, and parts of a book. We also learned about the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, and Ee. In Math, we learned how to sort, classify, count, and categorize data. We discussed how things are alike and different, how to sort by more than one attribute, and how to use graphs. In handwriting, we learned the proper way to hold our pencil and began practicing capital letters. In Science, we began discussing what science is and how can we can ask questions about things that we are interested in.

  • Please continue to have your child practice their 5 digit ID number. They will need to memorize it for lunch and to log onto the school computers.
  • School picture day is on Tuesday, September 12th. Please send in your child's picture envelope as soon as possible. SCHOOL DRESS CODE MUST BE FOLLOWED.
  • September reading logs were sent home in your child's folder at the start of the school year. Please begin recording books that you read with your child. Logs will be collected at the end of the month and students who read 15 or more books will get a prize! Thank you to all who participate!
  • Sight words will be tested on Monday, September 11th. Please study the list 1 flash cards with your child if you have not already.
  • Scholastic book orders are due no later than Monday, September 18th. You may send in your order/flyer to me or you may do it online. Our class code is NFFK3. *Please refer to the handout that was sent home if you need help!
  • Wednesday, September 13th will be our first data delay. There will be NO special classes on data delay days.
  • Thank you to ALL who have donated supplies to our classroom. It is greatly appreciated and they will all be put to good use!
Have a super weekend!

Friday, September 1, 2017

We had a great first week in Kindergarten!