Friday, March 31, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Mayday! Mayday!” and discussed types of transportation that help us in an emergency. We learned about the letter Xx, discussed cause and effect, and worked with consonant digraphs.

Next week, we will be reading the story “Trucks Roll” and learning about what kinds of transportation help people do their jobs. We will be learning the letter Uu! We will also be presentingWe will focus on how to compare and contrast two items.

In Math, we finished up and were tested on our subtraction topic.

Next week, we will begin our topic on composing and decomposing numbers to 10.

·    United States projects are due no later than Tuesday, April 4th. Thank you in advance for your hard work and cooperation!
·     Thank you to all who have donated to our “Book Lover’s Basket” for the Chinese Auction. The Auction will be held on April 8th from 10am-5pm and April 9th from 12pm-3pm. Please come out and show your support!
·     Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Details will be sent home closer to the date!
·     Next week, forms will be sent home for Graduation pictures! Be on the look out!

Monday, April 3rd will be 8 and we will have Book Exchange. Please remember your books!

Friday, March 24, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Max Takes the Train” and discussed different types of transportation and environmental print. We learned about the letter Jj and Ww. We also discussed ways to improve our writing: using capital letters, punctuation, adding details (why and how), using adjectives, etc. Next week, we will be reading the story “Mayday! Mayday!” and learning about what kinds of transportation help us in an emergency. We will be learning the letter Xx.

In Math, we continued working on subtraction: using the minus sign and finding differences. Next week, we will be tested on subtraction and will start Topic 9: Composing and Decomposing numbers to 10.

In Science, we discussed how plants and animals are alike and different and the phases of the water cycle.

·     Thank you to all who have donated to our “Book Lover’s Basket” for the Chinese Auction. We have a great selection of books, book marks, a book light, a reading timer, an Amazon gift card and a KINDLE!! The Auction will be held on April 8th from 10am-5pm and April 9th from 12pm-3pm. Please come out and show your support!
·     Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Details will be sent home closer to the date!
·     Friday, March 24th is a rescheduled $1 Dress Down Day.
·     Friday, March 31st is a $1 Dress Down Day for Autism Awareness.

Monday, March 27th will be 3 and we will have Library. Please remember your books!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 
I hope everyone enjoyed their "snowcation!"
Next week we will be jumping back into the swing of things!

  • Monday will be Day 8 and we will have Book Exchange.
  • Report cards will be distributed on Monday, March 20th.
  • Thank you to all of those who have donated to our "Book Lovers Basket," especially those who chipped in to purchase the Kindle!! We also have a Charlotte's Web Series, the Ralph Mouse Series, a clip light, a digital book mark, a Curious George series, and other miscellaneous books!
  • Kindergarten Registration will resume n3xt week. Please call to set up an appointment or pass along the information.
  • Due to Daylight Savings, students are now able to wear shorts when the weather is nice.

Monday, March 13, 2017


  • Today is Day 7 and we will have Computers.
  • Report cards will be distributed tomorrow, March 14th (depending on the weather).
  • Thank you to all of those who have donated to our "Book Lovers Basket," especially those who chipped in to purchase the Kindle!! We also have a Charlotte's Web Series, the Ralph Mouse Series, a clip light, a digital book mark, a Curious George series, and other miscellaneous books!
  • Friday, March 17th will be a $1 Dress Down Day. Please plan accordingly!
  • Kindergarten Registration begins this week. Please call to set up an appointment or pass along the information.
  • Due to Daylight Savings, students are now able to wear shorts when the weather is nice.

Friday, March 3, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “If You Could go to Antarctica” and talked about what it would be like to go on an Antarctic adventure. We learned about the letter Ee and discussed several animals found in the Arctic: penguins, seals, orcas, and whales. We also read and wrote about our favorite Dr. Seuss books! Next week, we will be reading the story “Abuela” and learning about adventures that we could have in the city. We will be learning the letter Jj.

This week in Math, we continued our topic on Addition. We discussed how to use the plus and equal signs, finding sums, and writing addition sentences. Next week, we will be tested on Addition and we will begin Topic 8: Subtraction.

**Students from Bloomsburg University came to visit us to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday. They read us the story “I Can Read with My Eyes Shut” and did a fun activity to go along with it.

·Book Orders are due March 13th.
·There will be a 2-hour data delay on Wednesday, March 8th.
·Our class will be putting together a “Book Lovers Basket” for the NSE Chinese Auction this year in April. Any donations that are related to reading/books are greatly appreciated! Donations can be sent to school with your child. Thank you to all who have already donated!
·Newspaper in Education Week is next week. Be on the look-out for my ad! *Paperwork was sent home earlier this week regarding the event.
·Spring Pictures will be Thursday, March 9th. Please dress accordingly!
·Anyone interested in being a Guest Reader for the month of March, please contact me!

Monday, March 6th will be day 4 and we will have ART with Ms. Pasco.