Friday, December 8, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Little Panda” and discussed a panda’s first year of life. We saw live footage of a panda from the San Diego Zoo on their “Panda Cam.” Our letters of the week were Bb and Nn. We worked hard on segmenting words into their sounds and blending sounds into words. In Math, we worked on reading, writing, and counting numbers 6 to 10.

Next week, we will begin reading “Little Quack” and discussing what new things you can do as you get older. We will be learning all about the letter Rr as in River. We will discuss new words such as duckling, plunge, pond, paddle, proud, and brave. In Math, we will be tested on reading, writing, and counting numbers to 10 and will begin comparing and ordering numbers to 10. **Please begin to practice counting to 100 by ones and tens and writing numbers to 20. This will be a skill we will work hard on this trimester.

  •      Wednesday, December 13th will be our monthly 2-hour data delay. It is a rotation day! Mrs. Capone will also be coming for a special visit this day to meet your children!
  • ·    Tomorrow is the NSE Holiday Concert. Kindergarten will be performing at 10:00. Please have your child at the HS gym by 9:30.
  •      If your child hasn’t already, please have them complete their letter to Santa that was sent home on Thursday as soon as possible. We would like to mail those out this week!
  • ·   Friday, December 15th will be a Spartan Dress Down Day. Please donate $1 if your child is going to dress down. Thank you!

Monday, December 11th, will be day 4 and we will have Music!

Friday, December 1, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Jack and the Beanstalk” and discussed real and make-believe plants. Our letter of the week was still Ii! In Math, we finished up Topic 2: Comparing and Ordering numbers 0-5 and will be tested on that topic on Monday. Then, we will begin Topic 3: Numbers 6-10.

  • ·       Please continue to practice ALL sight words with your child. Although it is important to learn one list at a time, please be sure that you are reviewing both old and new words.
  • ·       Please be sure that your child is wearing a heavy coat, gloves, and hat to school every day, we go outside for recess most days!
  • ·       The Elementary Christmas Concert will be held on Saturday, December 9th. Kindergarten will be performing at 10:00. Please have students arrive at the high school no later than 9:30. **Please refer to the paper that was sent home last week.
  • ·       Our day to shop at Santa’s workshop will be Monday, December 4th. Please return all white envelopes if your child is planning to shop. Students are to bring no more than $10. **Please refer to the green paper that was sent home this week for other details.
  • ·       Report cards will be sent home on Friday, December 8th.

Monday, December 4th, will be day 4 and we will be shopping at Santa’s Workshop during Music class.

Friday, November 17, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “A Bed for the Winter” and discussed what kind of home animals need. Our letter of the week was Ii! We continued practicing our sight words, segmenting (breaking down words into sounds), blending (blending sounds together to form words), and our short and long vowel sounds. We also differentiated between realism and fantasy.  In Math, we continued our topic on comparing and ordering numbers 0-5.

Next week, we will be learning all about the Pilgrims, the Native Americans, and the history of Thanksgiving! We will be doing some fun activities to help us learn all about the special holiday. We will paint, dress up, and taste test some Thanksgiving goodies.

  • ·     “Spiderman Homecoming” will be shown for Community Involvement night tonight at the High School at 7pm. Light refreshments will be served!
  • ·     Wednesday, November 22nd will be a half day for students & it will also be the end of the month behavior reward. Dismissal will begin at 12:00. School will resume on Tuesday, November 28th.
  • ·     AR logs for the month of November will be collected on Thursday, November 30th.

Monday, November 20th, will be day 8 and we will have Gym.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Bear Snores On” and discussed what special things a bear does during winter. Our letter of the week was Cc and we differentiated between realism and fantasy. In Math, we finished up our topic on reading, writing, and counting numbers 0-5. In Social Studies, we discussed how to read a map, how to use a compass, and what a key/legend is.

Next week, we will be reading the story “A Bed for Winter” and discussing what kind of home animals need. Our letter of the week will be Ii as in igloo. In Math, we will begin our topic on ordering numbers 0-5.

  • ·     Please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We do go outside for recess almost every day. Thank you!
  • ·     Tomorrow, November 10th will be a dress down day in honor of Veteran’s Day. All students are asked to donate $1.00. Students who bring a dollar may dress in any outfit that they choose (as long as it is school appropriate).
  • ·     Book Orders for the month of November are due no later than Monday, November 13th. Thank you!

Monday, November 13th will be Day 3 and we will have Gym with Miss B.     **Please have your child wear or bring sneakers!

Have a super weekend!

Friday, November 3, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Animal Babies in Grasslands” and discussed what special animals live in the grasslands. We got to watch live videos of elephants and lions in their zoo habitats. Our letter of the week was Pp as in pig! We practiced blending (putting sounds together), segmenting (breaking words into their individual sounds), and initial and final sounds. We also talked about the main idea of a story.  In Math, we began our topic on reading, writing & counting numbers 1-5 and in Science, we discussed what we can see in the daytime and nighttime skies!

  • ·       With Daylight Savings happening this weekend, students will no longer be allowed to wear shorts to school. Enjoy your extra hour of sleep! 
  • ·       Thank you to all who have dedicated their time to AR. The students seem to really enjoy reading and trying to reach their monthly goal! I appreciate your commitment
  • ·       Please continue to have your child practice their sight word lists. We have been doing an excellent job so far!
  • ·       Book Orders for the month of November are due no later than Monday, November 13th. Thank you!

Monday, November 6th will be Day 8 and we will have Gym with Miss B.     
**Please have your child wear or bring sneakers!

Have a super weekend!

Friday, October 13, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “Dig, Dig, Digging” and discussed how machines help people work. We also learned all about the letter Tt! In Math, we were tested on the position and location of shapes as well as describing 3D shapes: cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere. In handwriting, we wrote the letters U and V.

We also did some fire safety activities for Fire Prevention Week and attended a Pep Rally to end a wonderful Spirit Week!


  • Please continue to practice the sight word lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list. Thank you to all who have been working hard!
  • The NSE Book Fair will be taking place next week. Our day to shop is Tuesday, October 17th. Please send money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and what books they would like. There will also be a Parent Night to shop on Monday, October 16th from 4-7pm in our elementary library.
  • Friday, October 20th will be the Kindergarten Field Trip to Rorhbach’s Farm. Please dress your child in their Kindergarten Field Trip shirt from PTO (coming soon) and jeans or sweats.**If you chose to pack your child a lunch, please remember to do so!
  • Thank you to Megan Rollenhagen and Tabitha Farrone for being our first two Guest Readers!  The students enjoying having you in our classroom!  **Anyone interested in being a Guest Reader, please contact me! J
  • Book Orders for the month of October are due no later than Monday, October 16th. Thank you!

Monday, October 16th will be Day 3 and we will have Gym with Miss B.
**Please have your child wear or bring sneakers!

Have a super weekend!

Friday, October 6, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “Smash Crash!” and discussed what we like to do with our friends. We also learned all about the letter Mm!. In Math, we continued our topic on the position and location of shapes. In handwriting, we wrote the letters H, K, and L.

Students had a great time at the Kindergarten Fall Festival on Thursday. They enjoyed ice cream and snacks, went on a hayride, played games, and got to pick & decorate a pumpkin. Thank you to all of those who helped make it a HUGE success!

  • There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 9th. Please enjoy your long weekend!
  • Wednesday, October 11th will be our next Data Delay. Please plan accordingly.
  • Sight words will be tested each Monday (if I do not get through all of the students, the rest will be tested on Tuesday). Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list.
  • Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store! Please only send money in on Mondays. Thank you!
  • The NSE Book Fair will be taking place in two weeks. Our day to shop is Tuesday, October 17th. Please send money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and what books they would like. There will also be a Parent Night to shop on Monday, October 16th from 4-7pm in our elementary library.
Tuesday, October 10th will be Day 9 and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.

Homecoming Spirit Week:
Tuesday: Hawaiian Shirt Day
Wednesday: Dynamic Duo Day
Thursday: Wacky Thursday
Friday: Spartan Pride/Patriotic Day

Have a super weekend!

Friday, September 29, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “Miss Bindergarten takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten” and discussed classifying and categorizing. We also learned about the letters Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy and Zz. In Math, we were tested on our topic on identifying and describing shapes. In handwriting, we finished up working with the “Frog Jump Capitals” and wrote Nn and Mm. In Science we discussed our five senses and how they help us in our everyday lives.

Today, we had an extra recess as our September reward for good behavior. We have been respectful, safe, responsible, and have been doing our very best in class. Please encourage your child to keep up the excellent behavior for the month of October!

  • Sight words will be tested each Monday (if I do not get through all of the students, the rest will be tested on Tuesday). Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list.
  • Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store! Please only send money in on Mondays. Thank you!
  • Thank you to all who completed their September Reading Logs. I am so proud! Keep up the good work! *October Reading Logs can be found in your child’s folder.
  • The NSE Book Fair will be taking place in a few weeks. Our day to shop is Tuesday, October 17th. Please send money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and what books they would like. There will also be a Parent Night to shop on Monday, October 16th from 4-7pm in our elementary library. **Pamphlets can be found in your child’s folder!
  • Kindergarten Fall Festival will be held on Thursday, October 5th. Students will be outside for most of the day, so please dress them accordingly!
  • Anyone who is interested in going on the Kindergarten Field Trip MUST be a member of PTO and MUST have all of their clearances up to date. Please contact Mandy Reed if you have any questions or would like to join PTO:
Monday, October 2nd will be Day 4 and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.

Monday will be a free dress down day for anyone who wears a BLUE shirt to prevent bullying!

Have a super weekend!

Friday, September 22, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “Plaidypus Lost” and discussed sequence and the jobs of the author and illustrator. We also learned about the letters Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, and Ss and talked about “opposites.” In Math, we began our topic on identifying and describing shapes. So far, we have learned about rectangles, squares, circles, triangles, and hexagons. In handwriting, we continued working with the “Frog Jump Capitals” and wrote Dd, Pp, Bb, and Rr. In Social Studies we continued our unit on Citizenship. We discussed how to help out, how to be a good friend, and how to do our very best.

  • September reading logs will be collected next Friday, September 29th and students who read 15 or more books will get a prize!
  • Sight words will be tested each Monday (if I do not get through all of the students, the rest will be tested on Tuesday). Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list.
  • If you haven’t already, please send in $3 for the Kindergarten Fall Festival that will be held on October 5th.
  • Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store! Please only send money in on Mondays. Thank you!

Monday, September 25th will be Day 9 and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.

Have a super weekend!

Friday, September 15, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “We Are So Proud” and discussed setting, character and parts of a book. We made a class flag and discussed why we are proud of class/school. We also learned about the letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, and Nn. In Math, we were tested on sorting, classifying, counting, and categorizing data into a graph. In handwriting, we began working with the “Frog Jump Capitals,” letters F and E. In Social Studies we began our unit on Citizenship. We discussed rules & laws, good choices & bad choices, and how to be a good friend.

  • September reading logs were sent home in your child's folder at the start of the school year. Please record any books that you read with your child. Logs will be collected at the end of the month and students who read 15 or more books will get a prize! Logs will be collected on September 29th.
  • Sight words will be tested each week. Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list.
  • Scholastic book orders are due no later than Monday, September 18th. You may send in your order/flyer to me or you may do it online. Our class code is NFFK3. *Please refer to the handout that was sent home if you need help!
  • If you haven’t already, please send in $3 for the Kindergarten Fall Festival that will be held on October 5th. *Anyone interested in volunteering, please send back your information paper.
  • Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store!

Monday, September 18th will be Day 4 and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.

Have a super weekend!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

We are rocking and rolling through our first few weeks of Kindergarten! This week, we finished reading our story “The Little School Bus” and discussed rhyming words, character, and parts of a book. We also learned about the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, and Ee. In Math, we learned how to sort, classify, count, and categorize data. We discussed how things are alike and different, how to sort by more than one attribute, and how to use graphs. In handwriting, we learned the proper way to hold our pencil and began practicing capital letters. In Science, we began discussing what science is and how can we can ask questions about things that we are interested in.

  • Please continue to have your child practice their 5 digit ID number. They will need to memorize it for lunch and to log onto the school computers.
  • School picture day is on Tuesday, September 12th. Please send in your child's picture envelope as soon as possible. SCHOOL DRESS CODE MUST BE FOLLOWED.
  • September reading logs were sent home in your child's folder at the start of the school year. Please begin recording books that you read with your child. Logs will be collected at the end of the month and students who read 15 or more books will get a prize! Thank you to all who participate!
  • Sight words will be tested on Monday, September 11th. Please study the list 1 flash cards with your child if you have not already.
  • Scholastic book orders are due no later than Monday, September 18th. You may send in your order/flyer to me or you may do it online. Our class code is NFFK3. *Please refer to the handout that was sent home if you need help!
  • Wednesday, September 13th will be our first data delay. There will be NO special classes on data delay days.
  • Thank you to ALL who have donated supplies to our classroom. It is greatly appreciated and they will all be put to good use!
Have a super weekend!

Friday, September 1, 2017

We had a great first week in Kindergarten!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tomorrow (9/1) will be a dress down day for students. We will be collecting donations for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. We ask that students donate $1 to dress down, #SpartanshelpingTexaNS. Thank you for your support and understanding!

Sight word lists are coming home in your child's folder. Please read the yellow information sheet at your convenience! 

Please send back the "Field Trip Tee Shirt" form as soon as possible. Thank you!!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Monday is the start of what is going to be a wonderful year. I am looking forward to working with both you and your child. Thank you for a great Meet the Teacher Night, it was wonderful to meet all of you who were able to attend. If you have any questions at any time, please contact me!

1st Day Reminders:

  • Bus Tags: Please make sure that your child wears his/her bus tag on the first day and every day for a few weeks.
  • Blue Folder: Each day, please check your child's folder for important papers, news, homework, notes, etc., and always return it to school the next day.
  • Snack: Please provide a snack for your child daily & label it. Also, please remind your child that due to allergies we do not share snacks.
  • Lunch: Please discuss with your child if they will be buying a lunch or packing a lunch each day to avoid confusion.
  • Change of clothes: Please send an extra change of clothing in with your child (in case of an accident/spill/mess). Please place it in a plastic bag with their name on it. The spare clothing will be stored in their cubby. 
  • Forms: Please sign and return all forms to the school no later than Friday, September 1st.
  • Number: Please help your child memorize their 4 or 5 digit ID number. Thank you!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Wednesday, August 23rd at 3:00 pm in the elementary gymnasium. "Meet the Teacher Night" will follow from 4-6 pm in your child's classroom!

Hope to see you all there!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The first day of the 2017-2018 school year will be on Monday, August 28th.

Friday, May 19, 2017

  • Kindergarten Graduation will be held on Tuesday, May 23rd at 1:00pm in the High School Auditorium.  All students must report to school that day and wear a white collared shirt! Tickets will NOT be replaced if lost or forgotten -- everyone must have a ticket to enter. **Students must be signed out following Graduation if you are planning to take them with you!
  • Students will be participating in a Petting Zoo on Thursday, May 25th as their end of the month reward. Animals will include: monkeys, lemurs, wallabies, kinkajou, zebu cow, geese, and much more!
  • Carnival Day will be held on Friday, May 26th. Students will spend the day celebrating the end of the year with lots of fun activities! Students may wear school approved gym clothes.
  • There will be no school on Monday, May 29th. Happy Memorial Day!
  • The last day of school will be on Wednesday, May 31st. 
  • Thank you to Natasha Bubnis, and Mr. and Mrs. Kreitzer for being our Guest Readers this week. The students enjoyed your visits!!

Monday, May 22nd will be Day 2 and we will have Computers!

Friday, May 12, 2017

· All students had a GREAT time at the wedding of Q and U. Thank you to all who participated!!
· Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Tickets will be sent home on May 19th. They will NOT be replaced if lost.
· If you did not send back your Graduation Student Sign-Out paper, please return it no later than Monday, May 15th!!
· The reward for the month of May will be a Petting Zoo. It will be held on Thursday, May 25th!
· Friday, May 26th is Carnival Day! It will be a non-rotation day.
· There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day!
· Wednesday, May 31st is the last day of school!! 

Happy Mother’s Day to all of those Mother’s out there! I hope you have a fabulous day!!

Monday, May 15th will be Day 7 and we will have Computers.

Friday, May 5, 2017

This week, we read the story “Building with Dad” and discussed how a school is built. We learned about the letter Qq and focused on how to compare and contrast. We also celebrated “Queen Day” in honor of the letter Qq and all of the cute queens in our class!

Next week, we will read the story “Old MacDonald had a Woodshop” and we will discuss what tools we need to build things. We will be reviewing vowels and fact and opinion.

This week in Math, we were tested on composing numbers 11-19 and began working on Topic 11: decomposing numbers 11-19.

· Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Details will be sent home closer to the date! Mark your calendar!
· The NSE Book Fair will be held Monday, May 8th – May 12th. Students will be able to shop during their scheduled Library class (Tuesday, May 9th) and will also be able to shop with their parents on Monday, May 8th from 4pm-7pm.
· Due to the upcoming book fair, there will not be any more Scholastic book orders coming home this year. Thank you!
· The Wedding of Q and U will be held next Friday. Please refer to the handout in your child’s folder for more details.

Monday, May 8th will be Day 2 and we will have Computers.

Friday, April 28, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “This is the Way We Go to School” and discussed how children around the world get to school. We learned all about the letter Yy and how to draw conclusions.

Next week, we will read the story “Building with Dad” and discuss how a school is built. We will be learning about the letter Qq and focus on how to compare and contrast.

This week in Math, we began our topic on decomposing numbers 11-19.

Next week, we will be tested on decomposing numbers 11-19 and will begin working on our next topic on Measurement.

All students had a great time at the Egg Hunt (end of the month reward) this afternoon! Keep up the good behavior! 

· Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Details will be sent home closer to the date! Mark your calendar!
· Anyone interested in being a Guest Reader for the month of May, please contact me!
· The NSE Book Fair will be held Monday, May 8th – May 12th. Students will be able to shop during their scheduled Library class here at school. Students will also be able to shop with their parents on Monday, May 8th from 4pm-7pm.
· Due to the upcoming book fair, there will not be any more Scholastic book orders coming home this year. Thank you!
· Next Friday will be Queen Day for the letter Qq! Girls will get to wear crowns and they will be treated like Queens for the day!

Monday, May 1st will be Day 7 and we will have Computers.

****Monday, May 1st will be an Extended School Day. Students will be dismissed at 3:45!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Last week in Reading, we read the story “On the Move” and discussed how people in different parts of the world travel. We learned all about the letter Zz and the main idea of a story. We ended our week by celebrating Earth Day and the importance of taking care of our planet.

This week, we will read the story “This is the Way We Go to School” and discuss how children around the world get to school. We will be learning about the letter Yy and focusing on how to draw conclusions.

Last week in Math, we were tested on composing and decomposing numbers to 10.

This week, we will begin working with numbers 11-20.

·       Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Details will be sent home closer to the date! Mark your calendar!
·       For the month of April, students who displayed good behavior all month long will participate in a grade level egg hunt on our playground on April 28th.
·       Thank you to Greg Mentzer and Katrina Economy for coming in to our class to talk about their careers. We loved having you!
·       Thank you to Gary Glessner and Kathy Glessner for being our Guest Readers for the month of April. The students enjoyed your visit!
·       Anyone interested in being a Guest Reader for the month of May, please contact me! The more the merrier! J
·       PSSA testing will resume this week. Please encourage good behavior in the hallways as to not disturb the test takers!
·       Please return Yearbook Order forms as soon as possible if you are interested in purchasing one!
·       There will be a $1 Dress Down Day on Friday, April 28th.

Today is day 2 and we have Computers.

Friday, April 7, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Trucks Roll” and discussed types of transportation that help people to do their jobs. We learned all about the letter Uu and the United States. All of the students did an excellent job presenting their state projects to the class.

Next week, we will be reading the story “The Little Engine That Could” and learning about what kind of work trains do. We will focus on the plot of a story. We will also be doing some fun Spring/Easter activities!

This week in Math, we began our topic on composing and decomposing numbers to 10. We discussed different ways to make a number. For example, we can break up 6 counters into a group of 4 and a group of 2. We can also break it up into a group of 3 and a group of 3. Students have been doing a super job!

Next week, we will continue our topic on composing and decomposing numbers.

·    Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the United States projects. The students and I had a great time learning about each state. I am proud of all of the hard work students put into their presentations.
·    Thank you to all who have donated to our “Book Lover’s Basket” for the Chinese Auction. I am sure that it will be a huge hit!! The Auction will be held this weekend -- April 8th from 10am-5pm and April 9th from 12pm-3pm. Please come out and show your support!
·    There will be no school on Friday, April 14th. Enjoy your long weekend. There will be school on Thursday, April 13th and Monday, April 17th.
·    Graduation pictures will be held on Thursday, April 20th. Please return the picture envelope with payment no later than Wednesday, April 19th. Thank you!
·    Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Details will be sent home closer to the date!

Monday, April 10th will be 3 and we will have Library. Please remember your books!

Friday, March 31, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Mayday! Mayday!” and discussed types of transportation that help us in an emergency. We learned about the letter Xx, discussed cause and effect, and worked with consonant digraphs.

Next week, we will be reading the story “Trucks Roll” and learning about what kinds of transportation help people do their jobs. We will be learning the letter Uu! We will also be presentingWe will focus on how to compare and contrast two items.

In Math, we finished up and were tested on our subtraction topic.

Next week, we will begin our topic on composing and decomposing numbers to 10.

·    United States projects are due no later than Tuesday, April 4th. Thank you in advance for your hard work and cooperation!
·     Thank you to all who have donated to our “Book Lover’s Basket” for the Chinese Auction. The Auction will be held on April 8th from 10am-5pm and April 9th from 12pm-3pm. Please come out and show your support!
·     Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Details will be sent home closer to the date!
·     Next week, forms will be sent home for Graduation pictures! Be on the look out!

Monday, April 3rd will be 8 and we will have Book Exchange. Please remember your books!

Friday, March 24, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Max Takes the Train” and discussed different types of transportation and environmental print. We learned about the letter Jj and Ww. We also discussed ways to improve our writing: using capital letters, punctuation, adding details (why and how), using adjectives, etc. Next week, we will be reading the story “Mayday! Mayday!” and learning about what kinds of transportation help us in an emergency. We will be learning the letter Xx.

In Math, we continued working on subtraction: using the minus sign and finding differences. Next week, we will be tested on subtraction and will start Topic 9: Composing and Decomposing numbers to 10.

In Science, we discussed how plants and animals are alike and different and the phases of the water cycle.

·     Thank you to all who have donated to our “Book Lover’s Basket” for the Chinese Auction. We have a great selection of books, book marks, a book light, a reading timer, an Amazon gift card and a KINDLE!! The Auction will be held on April 8th from 10am-5pm and April 9th from 12pm-3pm. Please come out and show your support!
·     Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Details will be sent home closer to the date!
·     Friday, March 24th is a rescheduled $1 Dress Down Day.
·     Friday, March 31st is a $1 Dress Down Day for Autism Awareness.

Monday, March 27th will be 3 and we will have Library. Please remember your books!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 
I hope everyone enjoyed their "snowcation!"
Next week we will be jumping back into the swing of things!

  • Monday will be Day 8 and we will have Book Exchange.
  • Report cards will be distributed on Monday, March 20th.
  • Thank you to all of those who have donated to our "Book Lovers Basket," especially those who chipped in to purchase the Kindle!! We also have a Charlotte's Web Series, the Ralph Mouse Series, a clip light, a digital book mark, a Curious George series, and other miscellaneous books!
  • Kindergarten Registration will resume n3xt week. Please call to set up an appointment or pass along the information.
  • Due to Daylight Savings, students are now able to wear shorts when the weather is nice.

Monday, March 13, 2017


  • Today is Day 7 and we will have Computers.
  • Report cards will be distributed tomorrow, March 14th (depending on the weather).
  • Thank you to all of those who have donated to our "Book Lovers Basket," especially those who chipped in to purchase the Kindle!! We also have a Charlotte's Web Series, the Ralph Mouse Series, a clip light, a digital book mark, a Curious George series, and other miscellaneous books!
  • Friday, March 17th will be a $1 Dress Down Day. Please plan accordingly!
  • Kindergarten Registration begins this week. Please call to set up an appointment or pass along the information.
  • Due to Daylight Savings, students are now able to wear shorts when the weather is nice.

Friday, March 3, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “If You Could go to Antarctica” and talked about what it would be like to go on an Antarctic adventure. We learned about the letter Ee and discussed several animals found in the Arctic: penguins, seals, orcas, and whales. We also read and wrote about our favorite Dr. Seuss books! Next week, we will be reading the story “Abuela” and learning about adventures that we could have in the city. We will be learning the letter Jj.

This week in Math, we continued our topic on Addition. We discussed how to use the plus and equal signs, finding sums, and writing addition sentences. Next week, we will be tested on Addition and we will begin Topic 8: Subtraction.

**Students from Bloomsburg University came to visit us to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday. They read us the story “I Can Read with My Eyes Shut” and did a fun activity to go along with it.

·Book Orders are due March 13th.
·There will be a 2-hour data delay on Wednesday, March 8th.
·Our class will be putting together a “Book Lovers Basket” for the NSE Chinese Auction this year in April. Any donations that are related to reading/books are greatly appreciated! Donations can be sent to school with your child. Thank you to all who have already donated!
·Newspaper in Education Week is next week. Be on the look-out for my ad! *Paperwork was sent home earlier this week regarding the event.
·Spring Pictures will be Thursday, March 9th. Please dress accordingly!
·Anyone interested in being a Guest Reader for the month of March, please contact me!

Monday, March 6th will be day 4 and we will have ART with Ms. Pasco.

Friday, February 24, 2017

This week in Reading, we read the story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and talked about adventures that can cause trouble. We learned about the letter Gg and discussed characters. We also read several other versions of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and compared and contrasted each one to find our favorite! Next week, we will be reading the story “If You Could Go to Antarctica” and learning about Antarctic adventures. We will be learning the letter Ee and practicing classifying and categorizing. We will be learning three new words: from, go, here.

This week in Math, we started our topic on Addition. We began discussing how to join two groups together to make one whole group. We learned what a “number story” was and how to use the words “in all” and “altogether.” Next week, we will practice joining more groups, learn how to use the plus sign, and practice writing number sentences.

·     February Reading Logs are due on Tuesday, February 28th. Thank you to all who participate!
·     Our class will be putting together a “Book Lovers Basket” for the NSE Chinese Auction this year in April. Any donations that are related to reading/books are greatly appreciated! Donations can be sent to school with your child. Thank you!!
·     PTO Fundraisers are due on March 3rd.
·     Friday, March 3rd is Read Across America Day. Students from Bloomsburg University will be coming to visit our school to read to us! We will also be doing some fun activities to celebrate Dr. Seuss.

Monday, February 27th will be day 9 and we will have ART with Ms. Pasco.