This week, we finished reading our story “We Are
So Proud” and discussed setting, character and parts of a book. We made a class
flag and discussed why we are proud of class/school. We also learned about the
letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, and Nn. In Math, we were tested on sorting,
classifying, counting, and categorizing data into a graph. In handwriting, we
began working with the “Frog Jump Capitals,” letters F and E. In Social Studies
we began our unit on Citizenship. We discussed rules & laws, good choices
& bad choices, and how to be a good friend.
- September reading logs were sent home
in your child's folder at the start of the school year. Please record any
books that you read with your child. Logs will be collected at the end of
the month and students who read 15 or more books will get a
prize! Logs will be collected on September 29th.
- Sight words will be tested each
week. Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer
to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they
still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on
the next list.
- Scholastic book orders are due no later
than Monday, September 18th. You may send in your order/flyer to me or you
may do it online. Our class code is NFFK3. *Please refer to the handout
that was sent home if you need help!
- If you haven’t
already, please send in $3 for
the Kindergarten Fall Festival that will be held on October 5th.
*Anyone interested in volunteering, please send back your information
- Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store!
September 18th will be Day 4
and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.
Have a super weekend!