Friday, May 12, 2017

· All students had a GREAT time at the wedding of Q and U. Thank you to all who participated!!
· Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 23rd at 1:00pm at the High School Auditorium. **Tickets will be sent home on May 19th. They will NOT be replaced if lost.
· If you did not send back your Graduation Student Sign-Out paper, please return it no later than Monday, May 15th!!
· The reward for the month of May will be a Petting Zoo. It will be held on Thursday, May 25th!
· Friday, May 26th is Carnival Day! It will be a non-rotation day.
· There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day!
· Wednesday, May 31st is the last day of school!! 

Happy Mother’s Day to all of those Mother’s out there! I hope you have a fabulous day!!

Monday, May 15th will be Day 7 and we will have Computers.