Wednesday, September 7, 2016

We are rocking and rolling through the first two weeks in Kindergarten. We are all doing a great job of bringing our blue folders & bus tags to school each day, as well as completing our homework! We are getting better at learning and following our classroom rules and using our manners everywhere in the school. I am so proud!!

This week in Reading, we began reading our story “The Little School Bus” and are discussing rhyming words, character, and parts of a book. We are also learning about the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, and Ee. In Math, we are learning about triangles, hexagons, and solid figures.

*Gym clothes are only allowed to be worn on gym days Days 5 and 10.
       *Please continue to have your child practice their 4 or 5 digit number they need it for lunch and computer class.
       *Sight word lists were sent home, please begin practicing the first list!