Tuesday, September 13, 2016

This week, we are reading “We Are So Proud” and will learn about how children work and play together.  We will also introduce the letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, and Nn. We will discuss syllables, the setting of a story, and talk about the jobs of the author and illustrator. In Math, we will review solid figures and their flat surfaces. We will also be tested on identifying and describing our shapes and solid figures.

·       Sight word testing will begin this week, please have your child practice reading their sight words as part of their nightly homework!
·       There will be a 2 hour data delay on Wednesday, September 14th. This will be a non-rotation day, we will not have special classes!
·       Friday, September 16th will be a Spartan Dress Down Day. Please send in a $1 donation! Thank you!!