With just a few days left, Kindergarten has much to look forward to!
Monday, May 25th, there will be no school for students!
Tuesday, May 26th, will be our field trip to Zoo America in Hershey. Please remember to send a bagged lunch for your child if you did not purchase one from the cafeteria. Also, please have your child wear their red North Schuylkill tee-shirts that they received from PTO along with gym shorts or dress code appropriate pants. SNEAKERS are recommended. Students should NOT bring money on this field trip. Thank you!
Thursday, May 28th, will be NSE's Carnival Day! Students will spend the majority of the day outside so please dress for the weather. All students may wear gym clothes and sneakers. Don't forget sunscreen!
Friday, May 29th, will be the last day of school for students!! Dismissal will begin at 11:45. Even though it's the last day of school, students still need to bring their backpacks.