Friday, October 13, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “Dig, Dig, Digging” and discussed how machines help people work. We also learned all about the letter Tt! In Math, we were tested on the position and location of shapes as well as describing 3D shapes: cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere. In handwriting, we wrote the letters U and V.

We also did some fire safety activities for Fire Prevention Week and attended a Pep Rally to end a wonderful Spirit Week!


  • Please continue to practice the sight word lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list. Thank you to all who have been working hard!
  • The NSE Book Fair will be taking place next week. Our day to shop is Tuesday, October 17th. Please send money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and what books they would like. There will also be a Parent Night to shop on Monday, October 16th from 4-7pm in our elementary library.
  • Friday, October 20th will be the Kindergarten Field Trip to Rorhbach’s Farm. Please dress your child in their Kindergarten Field Trip shirt from PTO (coming soon) and jeans or sweats.**If you chose to pack your child a lunch, please remember to do so!
  • Thank you to Megan Rollenhagen and Tabitha Farrone for being our first two Guest Readers!  The students enjoying having you in our classroom!  **Anyone interested in being a Guest Reader, please contact me! J
  • Book Orders for the month of October are due no later than Monday, October 16th. Thank you!

Monday, October 16th will be Day 3 and we will have Gym with Miss B.
**Please have your child wear or bring sneakers!

Have a super weekend!

Friday, October 6, 2017

This week, we finished reading our story “Smash Crash!” and discussed what we like to do with our friends. We also learned all about the letter Mm!. In Math, we continued our topic on the position and location of shapes. In handwriting, we wrote the letters H, K, and L.

Students had a great time at the Kindergarten Fall Festival on Thursday. They enjoyed ice cream and snacks, went on a hayride, played games, and got to pick & decorate a pumpkin. Thank you to all of those who helped make it a HUGE success!

  • There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 9th. Please enjoy your long weekend!
  • Wednesday, October 11th will be our next Data Delay. Please plan accordingly.
  • Sight words will be tested each Monday (if I do not get through all of the students, the rest will be tested on Tuesday). Please continue to practice the lists with your child. Please refer to their folder to see which list they are currently on/what words they still need to study. *If your child has a star, they can begin working on the next list.
  • Every Monday, Kindergarteners are able to shop at the school store! Please only send money in on Mondays. Thank you!
  • The NSE Book Fair will be taking place in two weeks. Our day to shop is Tuesday, October 17th. Please send money in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and what books they would like. There will also be a Parent Night to shop on Monday, October 16th from 4-7pm in our elementary library.
Tuesday, October 10th will be Day 9 and we will have Music with Mrs. Schwartz.

Homecoming Spirit Week:
Tuesday: Hawaiian Shirt Day
Wednesday: Dynamic Duo Day
Thursday: Wacky Thursday
Friday: Spartan Pride/Patriotic Day

Have a super weekend!